Process @ Dusted

[Process @ Dusted]

"We’Äôve all noticed, surely, that the current return is to the ’Äô80s, our rewind-trip to the nostalgia of cassettes ’Äì save for the fact that now, we do it digital. This retro exceeds electronic music (retro phonia ) as it exceeds the fashion and other industries (retro spective ). The rewind is ’Äòcultural’Äô but on another plane, in North America, nigh ontological, if not political (the (re)rise of the Right, redeployment of violence & war, and so forth). All kinds of symptoms and schemas could be analysed in this fashion through electroclash and other rewinding head-trips that nonetheless infuse these retrocopies with a due process ’Äì a kind of retro-feedback, rendering the exceptions to the historical salvaging operation retro active , a new amplification of old problematics, all the more devastating, yet insanely beautiful through the lens of ’Äònew’Äô technologes."

Process' Spectra reviewed @ Dusted.

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posted. Mon - November 3, 2003 @ 11:17 AM           |
