[NYC.dates & record prowls]

Alright, so it looks like I'll be in NYC Jan 7-11, for an Autonomedia fundraiser. Autonomedia is the one of the sole, last & remaining non-academic publishers of resistance & rebellion, having taken over the Semiotext(e) catalogue.

Autonomedia is putting out this book, Sound Generation, after valiant attempts by Chronoplastics to self-publish. Sound Generation covers political sound artists, consisting of a number of interviews conducted by Alexis Bhagat. The line-up includes Ultra-Red, Pamela Z, a number of others, and yeah, myself. The nights of the fundraiser are the 8th and 11th of January. I'll be performing some experimental drones on the 8th, and speaking on one of the panels. I might bring down wax if it can be arranged proper.

More info as it slides.

In the downtime, here's a shot of my curator and artisan friend Esther B. playing records in a park:

posted. Fri - December 12, 2003 @ 01:26 AM           |
