drifting - NYC

I'm in NYC again, it is drizzling today but the last few have been brilliant bursts of sun and sweat, drifting through Central Park from the Whitney to SOHO, and now my feet are telling the strain. I'm here chilling at New School, aiming for the brisket in the Ph.D game. We'll see how it goes.

It's been fascinating on the "tour bus" -- a team of us from SAT have been making our way through Troy, Boston, and NYC, meeting other creative souls in the digital and media arts. It's for a project we call [3p] -- the 3points digital convergence of the North East region. Hopefully it will open up some exchange in our backyard, so to speak. More people to play with as "new media" dies its death and technology becomes ubiquitous.

Better keep my face covered.

posted. Mon - May 3, 2004 @ 02:17 PM           |
